0711 Diogenes Laertius

Diogenes Laertius

Letter to HerodotusLegal Document/Correspondencehttp://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Letter_to_Herodotus
Letter to MenoeceusLegal Document/Correspondence
Lives of the Eminent Philosophers (complete)Collectionhttp://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Lives_of_the_Eminent_Philosophers
Lives of the Eminent Philosophers, Book 01: The Seven SagesBookhttp://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Lives_of_the_Eminent_Philosophers/Book_I
Lives of the Eminent Philosophers, Book 02: Socrates, Predecessors etc.Bookhttp://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Lives_of_the_Eminent_Philosophers/Book_II
Lives of the Eminent Philosophers, Book 03: PlatoBookhttp://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Lives_of_the_Eminent_Philosophers/Book_III
Lives of the Eminent Philosophers, Book 04: The AcademicsBookhttp://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Lives_of_the_Eminent_Philosophers/Book_IV
Lives of the Eminent Philosophers, Book 05: The PeripateticsBookhttp://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Lives_of_the_Eminent_Philosophers/Book_VI
Lives of the Eminent Philosophers, Book 06: The CynicsBookhttp://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Lives_of_the_Eminent_Philosophers/Book_VI
Lives of the Eminent Philosophers, Book 07: The StoicsBookhttp://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Lives_of_the_Eminent_Philosophers/Book_VII
Lives of the Eminent Philosophers, Book 08: PythagoreansBookhttp://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Lives_of_the_Eminent_Philosophers/Book_VIII
Lives of the Eminent Philosophers, Book 09: Eleatics, Atomists, etc.Bookhttp://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Lives_of_the_Eminent_Philosophers/Book_IX
Lives of the Eminent Philosophers, Book 10: EpicurusBookhttp://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Lives_of_the_Eminent_Philosophers/Book_X



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0710 Lactantius


A Treatise on the Anger of God Addressed to DonatusBookhttp://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/anf07.iii.iii.html






Of the Manner in which the Persecutors DiedBookhttp://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/anf07.iii.v.html



On the Passion of the LordPoemhttp://www.intratext.com/IXT/ENG0298/


On the Workmanship of God; or the Formation of ManBookhttp://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/anf07.iii.iv.html



The Divine InstitutesBookhttp://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/anf07.iii.ii.html





The Epitome of the Divine InstitutesBookhttp://www.intratext.com/IXT/ENG0293/


The PhoenixPoemhttp://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/anf07.iii.vi.i.html



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0709 Thomas Kyd

Thomas Kyd

Arden of Feversham1592Playhttp://community.middlebury.edu/~harris/arden.html

Bel-Imperia’s Speech (Is this the love thou bear’st Horatio?)1589Poemhttp://www.monologuearchive.com/k/kyd_003.html
Cornelia (play)1594Playhttp://search.lib.virginia.edu/catalog/uva-lib:459295
Edward IIIPlay
King Leir1590Playhttp://pages.unibas.ch/shine/kingleir.html
Kyd’s Letters to Sir John PuckeringCollectionhttp://phoenixandturtle.net/excerptmill/freeman.htm
Letter to Sir John PuckeringCollectionhttp://www2.prestel.co.uk/rey/kyd2.htm
On Chidiock TichbornePoem
Padre di Famiglia/The Householder’s Philosophy (translation)1588Poem
Page’s Speech (My master hath forbidden me)1589Poemhttp://www.monologuearchive.com/k/kyd_002.html
Pedrigano and the Hangman1589Poem
The First Part of IeronimoPlayhttp://books.google.com/books?vid=OCLC06884075&id=syWdFdCm6yIC&pg=RA2-PR12&lpg=RA2-PR12&as_brr=1&ie=ISO-8859-1#v=onepage&q&f=false
The Ghost’s Speech (When this eternal substance of my soul )1589Poemhttp://www.monologuearchive.com/k/kyd_001.html
The Spanish Tragedy1589Playhttp://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Spanish_Tragedie











The Tragedy of Soliman and Perseda1592Playhttp://www.elizabethanauthors.com/soli101.htm
The Works of Thomas Kyd1901Collectionhttp://www.archive.org/stream/workseditedfromo00kydtuoft#page/n7/mode/2up






Yet Might She Love Me (She is wilder, and more hare withal)1589Poemhttp://www.poetry-archive.com/k/yet_might_she_love_me.html


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0708 Tony Kushner

Tony Kushner

A Bright Room Called Day (play)1985Play
A Dybbuk; or Between Two Worlds (play)1997Play
A Meditation from Angels in America1994Book
A Modest Proposal1998Essay
A Word to Graduates: Organize!2002Essay
Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes (play)1992Play
Brundibar (children’s opera, translation)2003Play
Caroline; or Change (musical play)2002Play
Death & Taxes: Hydrotaphia and Other Plays2000Collection
East Coast Ode to Howard Jarvis (play)2000Play
Ellen McLaughlin (play/director)2002Play
Fo’s Last Laugh-I1997Essay
G. David Schine in Hell (play)2000Play
Henry Box Brown; or the Mirror of Slavery (play)1998Play
Homebody/Kabul (play)2001Play
Hydriotaphia (play)1987Play
In Great Eliza’s Golden Time (play)1986Play
In That Day/Lives of the Prophets (play)1989Play
La Fin de la Baleine: An Opera for the Apocalypse (opera)1983Play
Last Gasp at the Cataract (play)1984Play
Love’s Fire: Seven New Plays Inspired by ... Sonnets (contributor)1998Collection
Matthew’s Passion1998Essayhttp://web.archive.org/web/20030730084624/www.class.uidaho.edu/diversity/tkon.htm
Mother Courage and Her Children (play, translation)2006Play
Munich (screenplay)2005Play
Notes About Political Theater1997Essay
Notes on Akiba (play)2000Play
Only We Who Guard the Mystery Shall Be Unhappy (play)2003Play
Peter’s Pixie2003Book
Plays by Tony Kushner1999Collection
Reverse Transcription (play)1996Play
Save Your Democratic Citizen Soul!Book
Slavs! Thinking about the Longstanding Problems of Virtue .... (play)1995Play
St. Cecilia; or the Power of Music (libretto)Play
Stella (play)1987Play
Terminating; or Lass Meine Schmerzen Nicht Verloren Sein (play)1998Play
The Age of Assassins (play)1982Play
The Art of Maurice Sendak: 1980 to the Present2003Book
The Art of the Difficult1997Essay
The Good Person of Szechuan (play)1997Play
The Heavenly Theatre (play)1984Play
The Illusion (play)1988Play
The Intelligent Homosexual’s Guide to Capitalism and Socialism (play)2009Play
The Secrets of Angels1994Essay
The State of the Theatre1995Essay
The Theater of Utopia1995Essay
The Umbrella Oracle (play)Play
Thinking about the Longstanding Problems of Virtue and Happiness1995Collection
Widows (play)1991Play
Wings of Desire1997Essay
Wrestling with Zion: Progressive Jewish-American Responses ...2003Book
Yes, Yes, No, No: The Solace-of-Solstice ... Holiday Show (play)1985Play


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0707 Akira Kurosawa

Akira Kurosawa

After the Rain (screenplay)1995Play
Dersu Uzala (screenplay/director)1975Play
Dodesukaden (screenplay/director)1970Play
Dreams (screenplay/director)1990Play
Drunken Angel (screenplay/director)1948Play
High and Low (screenplay/director)1963Play
Horse/Uma (director)1941Play
Ikiru (screenplay/director)1952Play
Kagemusha (screenplay/director)1980Play
Madadayo/Not Yet (screenplay/director)1993Play
No Regrets for Our Youth (screenplay/director)1946Play
One Wonderful Sunday (screenplay/director)1947Play
Ran (screenplay/director)1985Play
Rashomon (screenplay/director)1950Play
Record of a Living Being (screenplay/director)1955Play
Red Beard (screenplay/director)1965Play
Rhapsody in August (screenplay/director)1991Play
Runaway Train (unfinished screenplay/director)1968Play
Sanjuro (screenplay/director)1962Play
Sanshiro Sugata Part II (director)1945Play
Sanshiro Sugata/Judo Saga (director)1943Play
Scandal (screenplay/director)1950Play
Seven Samurai (screenplay/director)1954Play
Snow Trail (screenplay)1947Play
Stray Dog (screenplay/director)1949Play
The Bad Sleep Well (screenplay/director)1960Play
The Hidden Fortress (screenplay/director)1958Play
The Idiot (screenplay/director)1951Play
The Lower Depths (screenplay/director)1957Play
The Men Who Tread on the Tiger’s Tail (screenplay/director)1945Play
The Most Beautiful (director)1944Play
The Quiet Duel (screenplay/director)1949Play
The Sea is Watching (screenplay)1993Play
Throne of Blood (screenplay/director)1957Play
Tora! Tora! Tora! (screenplay/co-director)1970Play
Yojimbo/The Bodyguard (screenplay/director)1961Play


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0706 Hanif Kureishi

Hanif Kureishi

Birds of Passage1983
Collected Screenplays Volume I2002Collection
Dreaming and Scheming: Reflections on Writing and Politics (essays)2002Collection
Gabriel’s Gift (novel)2001Book
Goodbye, MotherShort Storyhttp://www.hanifkureishi.com/mother.html
Hanif Kureishi Plays One1999Collection
Hullabaloo in the TreeShort Storyhttp://www.hanifkureishi.com/tree.html
Intimacy (novella)1998Book
Ladybirds for LunchShort Storyhttp://www.hanifkureishi.com/ladybirds.html
London Kills Me (screenplay)1991Play
Love in a Blue Time (short stories)1997Collection
Midnight All Day (short stories)1999Collection
My Beautiful Laundrette (screenplay)1985Play
My Beautiful Laundrette and Other Writings1996Collection
My Ear at His Heart2004Book
My Son the Fanatic1994Short Story
My Son the Fanatic (screenplay)1997Play
Outskirts (play)1981Play
Outskirts and Other Plays1983Collection
Sammy and Rosie Get Laid (screenplay)1988Play
Sleep with Me (play)1999Play
Soaking the Heat (play)1976Play
Something GivenEssayhttp://www.hanifkureishi.com/something_given.html
Something to Tell You (novel)2008Book
StraightShort Storyhttp://www.hanifkureishi.com/straight.html
Strangers When We MeetShort Storyhttp://www.hanifkureishi.com/strangers.html
The Black Album (novel)1995Book
The Black Album (play)2009Play
The Body (novel)2003Book
The Body and Other Stories2002Collection
The Boy in the BedroomEssayhttp://www.hanifkureishi.com/boy.html
The Buddha of Suburbia (novel)1990Book
The Buddha of Suburbia (teleplay)1993Play
The Dogs2004Short Story
The Escort/The Wrong Blonde/Mauvaise passe (screenplay)1999Play
The Faber Book of Pop (ed.)1995Collection
The God of Small Tales (screenplay)2003Play
The Mother (screenplay)2003Play
The Mother Country (play)1980Play
The Two of UsEssayhttp://www.hanifkureishi.com/twoofus.html
The Word and the Bomb (essays)2005Collection
Venus (play)2006Play
Weddings and Beheadings2006Short Story
Weddings and Beheadings (screenplay)2007Play
When the Night Begins (play)2004Play


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0705 Stanley Kunitz

Stanley Kunitz

A Kind of Order, a Kind of Folly: Essays and Conversations1975Collection
After the Last Dynasty (Reading in Li Po)2000Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18074




An Old Cracked Tune (My name is Solomon Levi)1971Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18072



End of Summer (An agitation of the air)Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18062


Father and Son (Now in the suburbs and the falling light)Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18060


First Love (At his incipient sun)Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18068


Halley’s Comet (Miss Murphy in first grade)2000Poemhttp://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poem.html?id=236768





Hornworm: Autumn Lamentation (Since that first morning when I)Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18077


Hornworm: Summer Reverie (Here in caterpillar country)Poemhttp://www.poemhunter.com/poem/hornworm-summer-reverie/
I Dreamed That I Was Old1930Poemhttp://www.poemhunter.com/poem/hornworm-summer-reverie/

Intellectual Things (poems)1930Collection
King of the River (If the water were clear enough)Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18076


Master and Mistress (As if I were composed of dust and air)2000Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18069




Next-to-Last Things: New Poems and Essays1985Collection
Passing Through (Nobody in the widow’s household)1966Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18073



Passing Through: The Later Poems, New and Selected1995Collection
Passport to the War (poems)1944Collection
Poems of Anna Akhmatova (translation)1973Collection
River Road (That year of the cloud, when my marriage failed)Poemhttp://www.poemhunter.com/poem/river-road-2/
Robert Lowell: Poet of Terribilita (biography)1974Book
Robin Redbreast (It was the dingiest bird)2000Poemhttp://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poem.html?id=236766
Selected Poems, 1928-19581958Collection
Single Vision (Before I am completely shriven)2000Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18070




Story under Full Sail (translation)1974Book
The Abduction (Some things I do not profess)1985Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18080




The Coat without a Seam: Sixty Poems, 1930-19721974Collection
The Collected Poems of Stanley Kunitz2000Collection
The Dark and the Fair (A roaring company that festive night)Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18079


The Layers (I have walked through many lives)1978Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18067



The Lincoln Relics (poems)1978Collection
The Long Boat (When his boat snapped loose)Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18063


The Poems of Stanley Kunitz, 1928-19781978Collection
The Portrait (My mother never forgave my father)1991Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18061





The Quarrel (The word I spoke in anger)Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18075


The Round (Light splashed this morning)Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18078


The Science of the Night (I touch you in the night, whose gift was you)2000Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18065




The Snakes of September (All summer I heard them)Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18071


The Terrible Threshold: Selected Poems, 1940-701974Collection
The Testing-Tree (On my way home from school)1971Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/stanley_kunitz/poems/18066




The Testing-Tree (poems)1971Collection
The Wellfleet Whale and Companion Poems1983Collection
The Wild Braid: A Poet Reflects on a Century in the Garden (essays)2005Collection
Touch Me (Summer is late, my heart)Poemhttp://www.poemhunter.com/poem/touch-me/



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• To view the author’s biographical sketch, click on the author’s name.

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0704 Milan Kundera

Milan Kundera

About the Disputes of Inheritance/Kolem clen urcity debata dedictvi1955Essay
D’en bas tu humeras les roses1993Essay
Dr. Havel after Twenty Years1969Short Story
Eduard and God1969Short Story
First Day1976Short Story
Identity/L’Identite (novel)1998Book
Ignorance/L’Ignorance (novel)2000Book
Immortality/Nesmrtelnost (novel)1990Book
Jacques & His Master/Jakub a jeho pan: Pocta Denisu Diderotovi (play)1971Play
Laughable Loves/Smesne lasky (short stories)1969Collection
Let the Old Dead Make Room for the Young Dead1969Short Story
Life Is Elsewhere/Zivot je jinde (novel)1973Book
Man: A Wide Garden/Clovek zahrada sira1953Poem
Nobody Will Laugh1969Short Story
Radicalism and Exhibitionism/Radikalizmus a expozice1969Essay
Slowness/La Lenteur (novel)1995Book
Symposium1969Short Story
Testaments Betrayed/Les testaments trahis1992Essay
The Art of the Novel/L’art du Roman1986Essay
The Blunder/Ptakovina (play)1969Play
The Book of Laughter & Forgetting/Kniha smichu a zapomneni (novel)1978Book
The Curtain/Le Rideau2005Essay
The Czech Deal/Cesky udel1968Essay
The Encounter/Une rencontre2009Essay
The Farewell Waltz (Party)/Valcik na rozloucenou (novel)1972Book
The Golden Apple of Eternal Desire1969Short Story
The Hitchhiking Game1969Short Story
The Joke/Zert (novel)1967Book
The Last May/Posledni maj1961Poem
The Owner of the Keys/Majitele klicu (play)1962Play
The Stolen West; or the Tragedy of Central Europe/Enos zapadu ...1983Essay
The Unbearable Lightness of Being/Nesnesitelna lehkost byti (novel)1984Book
Two Ears, Two Weddings/Dve usi, dve svatby (play)1968Play
Vladislav Vancura’s Path to the Great Epic/Umeni romanu: Cesta ...1960Essay


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• Users may choose to display up to 100 titles at a time by selecting the Show option at the top of the grid. To view subsequent titles by the selected increment, click on Next at the bottom of the grid.
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• To view the author’s biographical sketch, click on the author’s name.

Note: In many instances, no links are available for a given title. This may be due to existing copyright restrictions (particularly in the bibliographies of more contemporary authors) or simply because the actual text has not yet been discovered on a credible Web site.

If you know of other titles/links for this author that are not currently in our list, let us know and we’ll try to add them whenever possible.

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0703 Maxine Kumin

Maxine Kumin

A Winter Friend (children)1961Book
Always Beginning: Essays on a Life in Poetry2000Collection
Bringing Together: Uncollected Early Poems, 1958-19882003Collection
Continuum: A Love Poem (going for grapes with)1980Poemhttp://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/unbound/poetry/antholog/kumin/contin.htm
Dinner at Jane’s and Don’s2005Essay
Eggs of Things (children)1963Book
Family Reunion (The week in August you come home)1982Poemhttp://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poem.html?id=178811
Faraway Farm (children)1967Book
Fat Pets On1990Poem
Follow the Fall (children)1961Book
Grace (Hens have their gravel; gravel sticks)1961Poemhttp://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/unbound/poetry/antholog/kumin/grace.htm
Halfway (poems)1961Collection
House, Bridge, Fountain, Gate (poems)1975Collection
In Deep: Country Essays1987Collection
In the Park (You have forty-nine days between)1989Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/maxine_kumin/poems/21144


Inside the Halo and Beyond (short stories)1999Collection
Jack (How pleasant the yellow butter)2005Poemhttp://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/16926
Jack and Other New Poems2005Collection
January 25th (poem)1965Poem
Joey and the Birthday Present (children)1974Book
Last Days (We visit by phone as the morphine haze)2002Poemhttp://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poem.html?id=30861
Looking Back in My Eighty-First Year (Instead of marrying the day)2008Poemhttp://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/20085
Looking for Luck (poems)1992Collection
Mites to Mastodons (children)2006Book
Mittens in May (children)1962Book
More Eggs of Things (children)1964Book
Motherhood and Poetics2003Essay
Nurture (From a documentary on marsupials I learn)1987Poemhttp://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poem.html?id=26118
Nurture (poems)1989Collection
Our Ground Time Here Will Be Brief: New and Selected Poems1982Collection
Purgatory (And suppose the darlings get to Mantua)1965Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/maxine_kumin/poems/21145


Quit Monks or Die (novel)1999Book
Running Away Together (It will be an island on strings)1975Poemhttp://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poem.html?id=171844
Sebastian and the Dragon (children)1964Book
Selected Poems, 1960-19901996Collection
Speedy Digs Downside Up (children)1964Book
Spree (My father paces the upstairs hall)1985Poemhttp://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poem.html?id=171839
Spring Things (children)1961Book
Still to Mow (poems)2007Collection
Summer Story (children)1961Book
The Abduction (novel)1971Book
The Contagion (novella)1976Short Story
The Designated Heir (novel)1974Book
The Green Well1990Poem
The Hermit Goes Up Attic (Up attic, Lucas Harrison, God rest)2003Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/maxine_kumin/poems/21146


The Journey1961Poem
The Long Approach (poems)1985-86Collection
The Long Marriage (poems)2002Collection
The Microscope (children)1968Book
The Nightmare Factory (poems)1970Collection
The Passions of Uxport (novel)1968Book
The Privilege (poems)1965Collection
The Retrieval System (poems)1978Collection
The Revisionist Dream (Well, she didn’t kill herself that afternoon)1989Poemhttp://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poem.html?id=184997
The Wizard’s Tears (children)1975Book
The Word (We ride up softly to the hidden)1994Poemhttp://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/unbound/poetry/atlpoets/kumi9403.htm
Through Dooms of Love (novel)1965Book
To Make a Prairie: Essays on Poets, Poetry and Country Living1980Collection
Together (The water closing)1970Poemhttp://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poem.html?id=171843
Up Country (poems)1972Collection
West1980Short Story
What Color Is Caesar? (children)1978Book
When Grandmother Was Young (children)1969Book
When Great-Grandmother Was Young (children)1971Book
Where I Live (is vertical)2010Poemhttp://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/21791
Where I Live: New and Selected Poems, 1990-20102010Collection
Why Can’t We Live Together Like Civilized Human Beings? (stories)1982Collection
Women, Animals and Vegetables: Essays and Stories1994Collection
Woodchucks (Gassing the woodchucks didn’t turn out right)1972Poemhttp://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/maxine_kumin/poems/21147




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0702 Stanley Kubrick

Stanley Kubrick

2001: A Space Odyssey (screenplay/director)1968Play
A Clockwork Orange (screenplay/director)1971Play
Barry Lyndon (screenplay/director)1975Play
Day of the Fight (documentary short)1951Play
Dr. Strangelove (screenplay/director)1964Play
Eyes Wide Shut (screenplay/director)1999Play
Fear and Desire (director)1953Play
Flying Padre (documentary short)1951Play
Full Metal Jacket (screenplay/director)1987Play
Killer’s Kiss (director)1955Play
Lolita (screenplay/director)1962Play
Paths of Glory (screenplay/director)1957Play
Spartacus (director)1960Play
The Killing (screenplay/director)1956Play
The Seafarers (documentary short)1953Play
The Shining (screenplay/director)1980Play
World Assembly of Youth (documentary short)1952Play


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