1050 Wendy Rose

Wendy Rose

Aboriginal Tattooing in California (poems)1979Collection
Academic Squaw: Reports to the World from the Ivory Tower (poems)1977Collection
Alien Seeds (How is it that I did not know the gold hillside near my)Poem
Between Earth and Elsewhere1982Poem
Bone Dance: New and Selected Poems, 1965-19921994Collection
Builder Kachina: A Home-Going Cycle (poems)1979Collection
Every Planet We Ever Took1982Poem
For Some It’s a Time of Mourning1992Essay
For the White Poets Who Would be Indian (just once)Poem
Going to War with All My Relations (poems)1993Collection
Hopi Roadrunner Dancing (poems)1973Collection
I Expected My Skin and My Blood to RipenPoem
If I Am Too Brown or Too White for You1985Poem
Itch Like Crazy (poems)2002Collection
Just What’s All this Fuss about Whiteshamanism, Anyway?1984Essay
Long Division: A Tribal History (poems)1976Collection
Lost Copper (poems)1980Collection
Margaret Opens the Bon Ton Saloon Bear Valley (I never liked that)Poem
Neon Scars1987Essay
Notes on a ConspiracyPoem
Now Poof She Is Gone (poems)1994Collection
Poetry of the American Indian Series1978Collection
Resistance (This is one of those days)2002Poem
Story Keeper1985Poem
The Great Pretenders: Further Reflections on Whiteshamanism1992Essay
The Halfbreed Chronicles & Other Poems1985Collection
Throat Song: The Rotating Earth1982Poem
To the Hopi in Richmond (Santa Fe Indian Village)1985Poem
What Happened when the Hopi Hit New York (poems)1982Collection


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