0422 William Everson, Brother Antoninus

William Everson, Brother Antoninus

A Canticle to the Water Birds (poems)1968Collection
A Privacy of Speech (poems)1949Collection
Archetype West: The Pacific Coast as a Literary Region1974Essay
Black Hills (poems)1973Collection
Dionysus and the Beat: Four Letters on the Archetype1977Essay
Earth Poetry: Selected Essays & Interviews, 1950-19771980Collection
In the Fictive Wish (poems)1967Collection
Kingfisher Flat (In the long drought)Poemhttp://www.rooknet.net/beatpage/writers/everson.html#kingfisher
Man-Fate: The Swan Song of Brother Antoninus (poems)1974Collection
Naked Heart: Talking on Poetry, Mysticism and the Erotic1992Book
On Printing1992Essay
Prodigious Thrust (memoir)1996Book
River-Root: A Syzygy for the Bicentennial of These States (poems)1976Collection
Robinson Jeffers: Fragments of an Older Fury1968Essay
San Joaquin (poems)1939Collection
Seed (Some seed in me)Poemhttp://www.rooknet.net/beatpage/writers/everson.html#seed
Single Source: The Early Poems of William Everson, 1934-19401966Collection
Take Hold upon the Future: Letters on Writers and Writing, 1938-19461994Collection
Tendril in the Mesh (poems)1973Collection
The Achievement of Brother Antoninus (poems)1967Collection
The Blowing of the Seed (poems)1966Collection
The City Does Not Die (poems)1969Collection
The Crooked Lines of God (poems)1959Collection
The Excesses of God: Robinson Jeffers as a Religious Figure1988Essay
The Hazards of Holiness (poems)1962Collection
The Last Crusade (poems)1969Collection
The Masks of Drought (poems)1980Collection
The Poet is Dead (Snow on the headland)1964PoemExcerpt:
The Poet is Dead: A Memorial for Robinson Jeffers (poems)1964Collection
The Residual Years (poems)1948Collection
The Rose of Solitude (poems)1967Collection
The Springing of the Blade (poems)1968Collection
The Veritable Years, 1949-1966 (poems)1978Collection
These Are the Ravens (poems)1935Collection
War Elegies (poems)1944Collection
Who Is She That Looketh Forth as the Morning (poems)1972Collection


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