0113 Roland Barthes

Roland Barthes

A Barthes Reader1982Collection
A Lover’s Discourse: Fragments1977Book
Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography1980Book
Carnets du Voyage en Chine2009
Complete Works/Oeuvres Completes2002Collection
Critical Essays1964Collection
Criticism and Truth1966Book
Elements of Semiology1964BookFirst half of the book

Empire of Signs1970Book
Image, Music, Text1977Book

Journal de Deuil2009
Le Degre Zero de l’Ecriture Suivi de Nouveaux Essais Critiques1972Collection
Lecon Inaugurale au College de France1978
Literature et Realite1982Book
Michelet par Lui Meme1954Book
New Critical Essays1972Collection
On Racine1963Book
Poetique du Recit1977Book
Pourquoi la Chine?1976
Recherche de Proust1980Book
Roland Barthes on Roland Barthes (autobiography)1975Book
Sade, Fourier, Loyola1971Book
The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies1964Collection
The Fashion System (Systeme de la mode)1967Book
The Grain of the Voice: Interviews, 1962-19801981Collection
The Language of Fashion2006Collection
The NeutralBook
The Pleasure of the Text1973Book
The Responsibility of Forms: Critical Essays on Music, Art, etc.1982Collection
The Rustle of Language1984Book
The Semiotic Challenge1985Book
Un Faulduo No. 7: Sur la Notion d’ Homero et Chopi1987Book
What Is Sport?2004Book
Writer Sollers1979Book
Writing Degree Zero1953Book


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