Abelard, Peter (W2) |
Alighieri, Dante (W2) |
Anonymous: The Koran (W4) |
Achebe, Chinua (W4) |
Allen, Woody (D) |
Anonymous: The Upanishads (W1) |
Aciman, Andre (A8) |
Allende, Isabel (W5) |
Anonymous: York Mystery Plays (B2, D) |
Acker, Kathy (A8) |
Allison, Dorothy (A8) |
Anthony, Susan B. (A4) |
Ackroyd, Peter (B8) |
Almond, David (B8) |
Antin, Mary (A5N) |
Adams, Henry (A5R) |
Altman, Robert (D) |
Anzaldua, Gloria (A8) |
Adams, John (A2) |
Alvarez, Julia (A8) |
Apess, William (A3) |
Adams, Richard (B7) |
Amis, Kingsley (B7) |
Aquinas, Thomas (W2) |
Adcock, Fleur (B7) |
Amis, Martin (B8) |
Arenas, Reinaldo (W5) |
Addison, Joseph (B4) |
Ammons, A.R. (A7) |
Arendt, Hannah (W2) |
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi (W4) |
Anand, Mulk Raj (W4) |
Aristophanes (W1, D) |
Adiga, Aravind (W4) |
Anaya, Rudolfo (A7) |
Aristotle (W1) |
Aeschylus (W1, D) |
Andersen, Hans Christian (W6, D) |
Armstrong, William H. (A7) |
Aesop (W6) |
Anderson, Laurie Halse (A8) |
Arnold, Matthew (B6) |
Agee, James (A7) |
Anderson, Maxwell (D) |
Arnow, Harriette (A7) |
Aguilar, Grace (B6) |
Anderson, Sherwood (A6) |
Articles of Confederation (A2) |
Aidoo, Ama Ata (W4) |
Andrewes, Lancelot (B4) |
Ascham, Roger (B3) |
Aiken, Conrad (A6) |
Angelou, Maya (A7) |
Ash, Timothy Garton (B8) |
Ainsworth, William Harrison (B6) |
Anger, Jane (B4) |
Ashbery, John (A7) |
Akins, Zoe (D) |
Anonymous: Beowulf (B1) |
Ashbridge, Elizabeth (A2) |
Akutagawa, Ryunosuke (W4) |
Anonymous: Bhagavad-Gita (W1) |
Ashe, Wellesley St. George (B7) |
Alabaster, William (B4) |
Anonymous: Everyman: Morality Play (B2, D) |
Asinof, Eliot (A7) |
Albee, Edward (D) |
Anonymous: Mahabharata (W1) |
Astell, Mary (B4) |
Albom, Mitch (A8) |
Anonymous: Mankind: Medieval Morality Plays (B2, D) |
Atwood, Margaret (B7) |
Alcott, Amos Bronson (A4) |
Anonymous: The Pearl Poet (B2) |
Auburn, David (D) |
Alcott, Louisa May (A5R) |
Anonymous: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (B2) |
Auden, W.H. (B7) |
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey (A5R) |
Anonymous: Song of Roland (B2) |
Austen, Jane (B5) |
Alexander, Meena (A8) |
Anonymous: Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali (W4) |
Austin, Mary (A6) |
Alexie, Sherman (A8) |
Anonymous: The Arabian Nights (W4) |
Avi (Edward Irving Wortis) (A7) |
Al-Farabi, Abu Nasr (W1) |
Anonymous: The Dream of the Rood (B1) |
Axelrod, George (D) |
Alger, Horatio (A5R) |
Anonymous: The Epic of Gilgamesh (W1) |
Ayer, Eleanor H. (A8) |
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Babbitt, Natalie (A7) |
Berryman, John (A7) |
Bronte, Charlotte (B6) |
Bacon, Sir Francis (B4) |
Betjeman, John (B7) |
Bronte, Emily (B6) |
Baillie, Joanna (B5, D) |
Beverley, Robert (A1) |
Brooke, Rupert (B7) |
Baker, Nicholson (A8) |
Bierce, Ambrose (A5N) |
Brooks, Gwendolyn (A7) |
Baldwin, James (A7) |
The U.S. Bill of Rights (A2) |
Brown, Charles Brockden (A2) |
Balzac, Honore de (W2) |
Bishop, Elizabeth (A7) |
Brown, Dan (A8) |
Bambara, Toni Cade (A7) |
Bishop, John Peale (A6) |
Brown, Sterling Allen (A6H) |
Banks, Russell (A8) |
Bissinger, H.G. (A8) |
Brown, William Hill (A2) |
Bannerman, Anne (B5) |
Black Elk (A6) |
Brown, William Wells (A3) |
Baraka, Imamu Amiri (LeRoi Jones) (A7) |
Blake, William (B5) |
Browne, Sir Thomas (B4) |
Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (B4) |
Blamire, Susanna (B4) |
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (B6) |
Barker, Clive (B8) |
Bly, Nellie (A5N) |
Browning, Robert (B6) |
Barker, Pat (B8) |
Bly, Robert (A7) |
Brownson, Orestes Augustus (A4) |
Barnes, Djuna (A6) |
Boccaccio, Giovanni (W2) |
Bruchac, Joseph (A7) |
Barnes, Julian (B8) |
Boethius, Ancius (W1) |
Brunton, Mary (B5) |
Barrie, J.M. (B6) |
Bogan, Louise (A6) |
Bryant, Louise (A6) |
Barry, Philip (D) |
Bolano, Roberto (W5) |
Bryant, William Cullen (A3) |
Barth, John (A7) |
Bolt, Robert (D) |
Buchner, George (W2) |
Barthelme, Donald (A7) |
Bonner, Marita (A6H) |
Buck, Pearl S. (A6) |
Barthes, Roland (W2) |
Bontemps, Arna (A6H) |
Bukowski, Charles (A7) |
Baudelaire, Charles (W2) |
Boorman, John (D) |
Bulgakov, Mikhail (W3, D) |
Baum, L. Frank (A5N) |
Borges, Jorge Luis (W5) |
Bulosan, Carlos (A7) |
Beah, Ishmael (A8) |
Borrow, George (B6) |
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward (B6) |
Beatty, Paul (A8) |
Boswell, James (B4) |
Bunin, Ivan (W3) |
Beaumont, Francis (B4, D) |
Boucicault, Dion (B6, D) |
Bunting, Eve (A7) |
Becke, George Lewis (B6) |
Boudinot, Elias (A3) |
Bunyan, John (B4) |
Beckett, Samuel (B7, D) |
Bourgois, Philippe (A8) |
Burgess, Anthony (B7) |
Beckford, William Thomas (B5) |
Bourne, Randolph (A6) |
Burke, Edmund (B4) |
Beddoes, Thomas Lovell (B5) |
Bowles, Paul (A7) |
Burnett, Frances Hodgson (B6) |
Bede, The Venerable (B1) |
Bowles, William Lisle (B5) |
Burney, Frances (Fanny) (B5) |
Beerbohm, Max (B6) |
Boyd, William (B8) |
Burns, Olive Ann (A7) |
Behn, Aphra (B4, D) |
Boyle, Kay (A6) |
Burns, Robert (B5) |
Bellamy, Edward (A5R) |
Boyle, T.C. (A8) |
Burroughs, Edgar Rice (A6) |
Bellow, Saul (A7) |
Boyne, John (B8) |
Burroughs, William S. (A7) |
Benet, Stephen Vincent (A6) |
Bradbury, Ray (A7) |
Burton, Sir Richard Francis (B6) |
Benigni, Roberto (D) |
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth (B6) |
Butler, Octavia (A8) |
Benioff, David (A8, D) |
Bradford, William (A1) |
Butler, Robert Olen (A8) |
Bennett, Alan (D) |
Bradley, James (A8) |
Butler, Samuel (B4) |
Bennett, Gwendolyn (A6H) |
Bradstreet, Anne (A1) |
Byars, Betsy (A7) |
Bentham, Jeremy (B5) |
Branagh, Kenneth (D) |
Byatt, A.S. (Dame) (B7) |
Bentley, Edmund Clerihew (B7) |
Brautigan, Richard (A7) |
Bynner, Witter (A6) |
Berendt, John (A7) |
Brecht, Bertolt (W2, D) |
Byrd, William (A1) |
Bernstein, Carl and Bob Woodward (A8) |
Bronte, Anne (B6) |
Byron, Lord (B5) |
Beroul (W2) |
Bronte, Branwell (B6) |
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Cabell, James Branch (A6) |
Chapman, George (B4, D) |
Conde, Maryse (W2) |
Cable, George Washington (A5R) |
Chatwin, Bruce (B8) |
Confucius (W1) |
Caedmon (B1) |
Chaucer, Geoffrey (B2) |
Congreve, William (B4, D) |
Caesar, Julius (W1) |
Chayefsky, Sidney ‘Paddy’ (D) |
Connell, Richard (A6) |
Cahan, Abraham (A5R) |
Cheever, John (A7) |
Conrad, Joseph (B7) |
Caine, Thomas Henry Hall (B6) |
Chekhov, Anton (W3, D) |
Cook, Eliza (B6) |
Caldwell, Erskine (A6) |
Chesnut, Mary Boykin (A4) |
Coolbrith, Ina (A5N) |
Callaghan, Morley (B7) |
Chesnutt, Charles W. (A5N) |
Cooper, James Fenimore (A3) |
Calverley, Charles Stuart (B6) |
Chesterton, G.K. (B7) |
Coppola, Francis Ford (D) |
Calvino, Italo (W2) |
Chevalier, Tracy (A8) |
Copway, George (A3) |
Campbell, Thomas (B5) |
Child, Lydia Maria Frances (A4) |
Cormier, Robert (A7) |
Campion, Thomas (B3) |
Childress, Alice (D) |
Cornford, John (B7) |
Camus, Albert (W2) |
Chin, Frank (A8, D) |
Corso, Gregory (A7) |
Capote, Truman (A7) |
Chin, Pa (W4) |
Cowley, Abraham (B4) |
Card, Orson Scott (A8) |
Chopin, Kate (A5N) |
Cowper, William (B4) |
Carew, Richard (B3) |
Christie, Agatha (B7, D) |
Crabbe, George (B4) |
Carew, Thomas (B4) |
Churchill, Caryl (D) |
Cranch, Christopher Pearse (A4) |
Carlyle, Thomas (B6) |
Ciardi, John (A7) |
Crane, Hart (A6) |
Carroll, Lewis (B6) |
Cicero, Marcus Tullius (W1) |
Crane, Stephen (A5N) |
Carruth, Hayden (A7) |
Cisneros, Sandra (A8) |
Cranmer, Thomas (B3) |
Carter, Angela (B8) |
Clare, John (B5) |
Crashaw, Richard (B4) |
Carver, Raymond (A7) |
Clarke, Arthur C. (B7) |
Creech, Sharon (A8) |
Cary, Alice and Phoebe (A3) |
Clarke, James Freeman (A4) |
Creeley, Robert (A7) |
Cary, Elizabeth (B4) |
Cliff, Michelle (A8) |
Crimp, Martin (D) |
Cather, Willa (A6) |
Clifton, Lucille (A7) |
Cristall, Ann Batten (B5) |
Catullus, Gaius Valerius (W1) |
Cobbett, William (B5) |
Crockett, Davy (A3) |
Cavendish, Margaret (Duchess of Newcastle) (B4) |
Coelho, Paulo (W5) |
Cruz, Victor Hernandez (A8) |
Centinel (A2) |
Coetzee, J.M. (W4) |
Cuaron, Alfonso (D) |
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (W2) |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (B5) |
Cullen, Countee (A6H) |
Ch’eng-en, Wu (W4) |
Collins, Suzanne (A8) |
Cummings, E.E. (A6) |
Chamoiseau, Patrick (W2) |
Collins, Wilkie (B6) |
Cummins, Maria Susanna (A3) |
Chandler, Raymond (A7) |
Collins, William Taylor (B4) |
Curtiz, Michael (D) |
Channing, William Ellery (A4) |
Collodi, Carlo (Lorenzini) (W2) |
Cuthbert, Marion Vera (A6H) |
Channing, William Henry (A4) |
Compton-Burnett, Ivy (B7) |
Cynewulf (B1) |
Chaplin, Charles (D) |
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