1133 Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve

Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve

Betrayed (children)1974Book
Completing the Circle (biography)1995Book
Dancing Teepees: Poems of American Indian Youth1989Collection
Enduring Wisdom: Sayings from American Indians2000Collection
Grandpa Was a Cowboy and an Indian and Other Stories2000Collection
High Elk’s Treasure (children)1972Book
Jimmy Yellow Hawk (children)1972Book
South Dakota Geographic Names1973Book
That They May Have Life: The Episcopal Church in South Dakota1977Book
The Apaches (children)1997Book
The Cherokees (children)1996Book
The Cheyennes (children)1996Book
The Chichi Hoohoo Bogeyman (children)1992Book
The Dakota’s Heritage1975Book
The Hopis (children)1995Book
The Iroquois (children)1995Book
The Navajos (children)1993Book
The Nez Perce (children)1994Book
The Seminoles (children)1994Book
The Sioux (children)Book
The Trickster and the Troll (children)1997Book
They Led a Nation: Biographical and Pictorial Essays1975Collection
When Thunders Spoke (novel)1974Book


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