0704 Milan Kundera

Milan Kundera

About the Disputes of Inheritance/Kolem clen urcity debata dedictvi1955Essay
D’en bas tu humeras les roses1993Essay
Dr. Havel after Twenty Years1969Short Story
Eduard and God1969Short Story
First Day1976Short Story
Identity/L’Identite (novel)1998Book
Ignorance/L’Ignorance (novel)2000Book
Immortality/Nesmrtelnost (novel)1990Book
Jacques & His Master/Jakub a jeho pan: Pocta Denisu Diderotovi (play)1971Play
Laughable Loves/Smesne lasky (short stories)1969Collection
Let the Old Dead Make Room for the Young Dead1969Short Story
Life Is Elsewhere/Zivot je jinde (novel)1973Book
Man: A Wide Garden/Clovek zahrada sira1953Poem
Nobody Will Laugh1969Short Story
Radicalism and Exhibitionism/Radikalizmus a expozice1969Essay
Slowness/La Lenteur (novel)1995Book
Symposium1969Short Story
Testaments Betrayed/Les testaments trahis1992Essay
The Art of the Novel/L’art du Roman1986Essay
The Blunder/Ptakovina (play)1969Play
The Book of Laughter & Forgetting/Kniha smichu a zapomneni (novel)1978Book
The Curtain/Le Rideau2005Essay
The Czech Deal/Cesky udel1968Essay
The Encounter/Une rencontre2009Essay
The Farewell Waltz (Party)/Valcik na rozloucenou (novel)1972Book
The Golden Apple of Eternal Desire1969Short Story
The Hitchhiking Game1969Short Story
The Joke/Zert (novel)1967Book
The Last May/Posledni maj1961Poem
The Owner of the Keys/Majitele klicu (play)1962Play
The Stolen West; or the Tragedy of Central Europe/Enos zapadu ...1983Essay
The Unbearable Lightness of Being/Nesnesitelna lehkost byti (novel)1984Book
Two Ears, Two Weddings/Dve usi, dve svatby (play)1968Play
Vladislav Vancura’s Path to the Great Epic/Umeni romanu: Cesta ...1960Essay


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