0635 Eugene Ionesco

Eugene Ionesco

A Stroll in the Air/Le Pieton de l’air (novel)1961Book
A Stroll in the Air/Le Pieton de l’air (play)1963Play
Amedee; or How to Get Rid of It/Amedee ou comment s’en ... (play)1954Play
Apprendre a marcher (play)1960Play
Discours sur l’avant-garde1959Essay
Elegy of Minuscule Beings/Elegii pentru fiin?e mici1931Poem
Exit the King/Le Roi se meurt (play)1962Play
Experience du theatre1958Essay
Foursome/Scene a quatre (play)1959Play
Fragments of a Journal1966Essay
Frenzy for Two or More/Delire a deux (play)1962Play
Hunger and Thirst/La Soif et la faim (play)1964Play
Impromptu pour la Duchesse de Windsor (play)1957Play
Improvisation; or the Shepherd’s Chameleon/L’Impromptu de... (play)1956Play
Jack; or the Submission/Jacques ou la soumission (play)1955Play
Journeys among the Dead/Voyage chez les morts (play)1980Play
Killing Game/Jeux de massacre (play)1970Play
La Jeune Fille a marier1954Short Story
La Lacune (play)1966Play
La Tragedie du langage1958Essay
La Vase (novel)1956Book
Le connaissez-vous?1954Short Story
Le Maitre1954Short Story
Le Maitre (libretto)1962Play
Le Rhume onirique1954Short Story
Learning to Walk/Apprendre a Marcher (ballet scenario)1960Play
Les Grandes Chaleurs1954Short Story
Macbett (play)1972Play
Maid to Marry/La Jeune Fille a marier (play)1953Play
Man with Bags/L’Homme aux valises (play)1977Play
Maximilien Kolbe (libretto)1988Play
Notes and Counternotes/Notes et contre-notes1962Essay
Rhinoceros/Rhinoceros (play)1959Play
Salutations/Les Salutations (play)1950Play
Sept Petits Sketches1954Collection
Slime1966Short Story
Story Number 1 for Children under Three Years of Age1967Book
Story Number 2 for Children under Three Years of Age1970Book
The Bald Soprano/ La Cantatrice Chauve (play)1950Play
The Chairs/Les Chaises (play)1952Play
The Colonel’s Photograph1967Short Story
The Colonel’s Photograph and Other Stories/La Photo du colonel1962Collection
The Dislodger1957Short Story
The Future is in Eggs/L’avenir est dans les oeufs (play)1957Play
The Hermit/Le Solitaire (novel)1973Book
The Killer/Tueur sans gages (play)1958Play
The Leader/Le Maitre (play)1953Play
The Lesson/La Lecon (play)1951Play
The Motor Show/Le Salon de l’automobile1954Short Story
The New Tenant/Le Nouveau Locataire (play)1955Play
The Niece-Wife/La Niece-Epouse1954Short Story
The Picture/Le Tableau (play)1955Play
The Viscount/Le Vicomte (unfinished play)Play
Victims of Duty/Victimes du devoir (play)1953Play


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