1336 Franco Zeffirelli

Franco Zeffirelli

Brother Sun, Sister Moon (director)1972Play
Callas Forever (director)2002Play
Cavalleria Rusticana (director)1982Play
Don Carlo (stage director)Play
Don Giovanni (stage director)Play
Endless Love (director)1981Play
Hamlet (director)1990Play
Jane Eyre (director)1996Play
Jesus of Nazareth (director)1977Play
La Boheme (director)1982Play
La Boheme (production designer)1965Play
La Traviata (director)1983Play
Otello (director)1986Play
Pagliacci (director)1982Play
Romeo and Juliet (director)1968Play
Storia di una Capinera/Sparrow (director)1993Play
Tea with Mussolini (director)1999Play
The Champ (director)1979Play
The Taming of the Shrew (director)1967Play
Tosca (stage director)1985Play
Turandot (director)Play


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