1280 Rebecca West

Rebecca West

1900 (history)1982Book
A Greenhouse with Cyclamens
A Letter to Grandfather1933
A Train of Powder1955Book
Arnold Bennett Himself1931
Around Us the Wail of Sirens1941Essay
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon (travel)1941Bookhttp://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/unbound/flashbks/west/west1.htm
Cousin Rosamund (unfinished novel)1985Book
D.H. Lawrence (biography)1930Book
Ending in Earnest: A Literary Log1931Book
Family Memories: An Autobiographical Journey1987Book
Harriet Hume (novel)1929Book
Henry James (biography)1916Bookhttp://www.archive.org/stream/henryjames00westuoft#page/n7/mode/2up


I Regard Marriage with Fear and Horror1925Essay
Life Sentence (novella)1930Book
Lions and Lambs1928
Lucky Boy1929Short Story
McLuhan and the Future of Literature1969Essay
Sideways1928Short Story
St. Augustine (biography)1933Book
Sunflower (novel)1986Book
Survivors in Mexico (travel)2003Book
The Birds Fall Down (novel)1966Book
The Court and the Castle: Some Treatments of a Recurring Theme1958Book
The Fountain Overflows (novel)1957Book
The Harsh Voice: Four Short Novels1935Collection
The Judge (novel)1922Bookhttp://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=16125




The Magician of Pell Street1926Short Story
The Meaning of Treason1949Book
The Modern Rake’s Progress1934Book
The New Meaning of Treason1964Book
The Only Poet1992
The Return of the Soldier (novel)1918Bookhttp://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/women/west/soldier/soldier.html


The Salt of the Earth (novella)1935Book
The Selected Letters of Rebecca West2000Collection
The Sentinel (unfinished novel)2002Book
The Strange Necessity: Essays and Reviews1928Collection
The Strange Song1902Poem
The Thinking Reed (novel)1936Book
The Vassall Affair1963
The Young Rebecca (essays)1982Collection
There Is No Conversation (novella)1928Book
This Real Night (novel)1984Book
War Nurse (novella)1930Book
Woman as Artist and Thinker (essays)2005Collection
Would Shakespeare Starve Today?1932Essay


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