1231 Luis Valdez

Luis Valdez

Actos, by Luis Valdez y El Teatro Compesino1971Collection
Aztlan: An Anthology of Mexican American Literature (ed.)1972Collection
Ballads/Corridos (play)1982Play
Bandit/Bandido (play)1981Play
Bernabe (play)1970Play
Chicano Soldier/Soldado Razo (play)1971Play
Chicanos Story (screenplay/director)1982Play
Corridos: Tales of Passion & Revolution (screenplay/director)1987Play
Dark Root of a Scream (play)1971Play
I Don’t Get Anything Out of School/No Saco Nada de la Escuela (play)1969Play
I Don’t Have to Show You No Stinking Badges (play)1986Play
La Bamba (screenplay/director)1987Play
La Pastorela (screenplay/director)1991Play
Luis Valdez, Early Works: Actos, Bernabe and Pensamiento Serpentino1971Collection
Pensamiento Serpentino: A Chicano Approach to the Theater of Reality1973Book
Serpentine Thought/Pensamiento Serpentino (play)1973Play
Strikers/Huelguistas (play)1970Play
The Cisco Kid (screenplay/director)1994Play
The Conquest of Mexico/La Conquista de Mexico (play)1968Play
The Dance of the Giants/El Baile de los Gigantes (play)1974Play
The End of the World/El Fin del Mundo (play)1972Play
The Fifth Season/La Quinta Temporada (play)1966Play
The Great Tent of the Rascuachi Family/La Gran Carpa ... (play)1971Play
The Militants (play)1969Play
The Sellouts/Los Vendidos (play)1967Play
The Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa (play)1963Play
The Two Faces of the Owner/Las Dos Caras del Patroncito (play)1965Play
Theft (play)1961Play
Vietnam Peasant/Vietnam Campesino (play)1970Play
Zoot Suit (play)1978Play
Zoot Suit (screenplay/director)1981Play
Zoot Suit and Other Plays1992Collection


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