1082 Jose Saramago

Jose Saramago

All the Names/Todos os Nomes (novel)1997Book
Baltasar and Blimunda/Memorial do Convento (novel)1982BookExcerpt:
Blindness/Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira (novel)1995Book
Cadernos de Lanzarote1998
Cain/Caim (novel)2009Book
Death with Interruptions/As Intermitencias da Morte (novel)2005Book
Don Giovanni; or Dissolute Acquitted/Don Giovanni ou o Dissoluto ...2005Short Story
El Amor Posible1998
In Nomine Dei1993
Journey to Portugal/Viagem a Portugal (novel)1981Book
Land of Sin/Terra do Pecado (novel)1947Book
Manual of Painting & Calligraphy/Manualde Pintura e Caligrafia (novel)1977Book
Memories of My Youth/As Pequenas Memorias (novel)2006Book
Night/A Noite1979
Nobel Autobiographical Sketch1998Essayhttp://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1998/saramago-autobio.html
Nobel Banquet Speech1998Orationhttp://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1998/saramago-speech_po.html
Nobel Lecture1998Orationhttp://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1998/lecture-e.html
Opinions that DL Had/As Opinioes que o DL teve (novel)1974Book
Poetics of Five Senses: the Ear/Poetica Dos Cinco Sentidos. O Ouvido1979
Possible Poems/Os Poemas Possiveis1966Collection
Probably Joy/Provavelmente Alegria1970Short Story
Quasi Object/Objecto Quase1978Short Story
Raised from the Ground/Levantado do ChA£o1980Short Story
Seeing/Ensaio Sobre a Lucidez (novel)2004Book
The Cave/A Caverna (novel)2000Book
The Double/O Homen Duplicado (novel)2002Book
The Elephant’s Journey/A Viagem do Elefante (novel)2008Book
The Gospel According to Jesus Christ/O Evangelho Segundo ... (novel)1991Book
The History of the Siege of Lisbon/Historia do Cerco de Lisboa (novel)1989Book
The Notes/Os Apontamentos (novel)1976Book
The Stone Raft/A Jangada de Pedra (novel)1986Book
The Tale of the Unknown Island/Conto Da Ilha Desconhecida1988Short Story
The Traveller’s Baggage/A Bagagem do Viajante (novel)1973Book
The World’s Largest Flower/A Maior Flor do Mundo (children)2001Short Story
The Year of 1993/O Ano de 19931975Short Story
The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis/O Ano da Morte de ... (novel)1984Book
This World and the Other/Deste Mundo e do Outro (novel)1971Book
What Shall I Do with This Book?/Que Farei Com Este Livro?1980


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