0806 Pierre de Marivaux

Pierre de Marivaux

A Father, Prudent and Just/Le Pere prudent et equitable (play)1706Play
A Selection from the Comedies of Pierre de MarivauxCollectionhttp://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/12504
A Travesty of the Iliad/L’Homere travesti ou L’Iliade en ... (novel)1716-17Book
Actors in Good Faith/Les Acteurs de bonne foi (play)1757Play
False Secrets/Les Fausses Confidences (play)1737Play
Felicie (play)1757Play
Hannibal/Annibal (play)1720Play
Harlequin Brightened by Love/Arlequin poli par l’amour (play)1720Play
Isle of Reason/L’Ile de la raison ou Les petits hommes (play)1727Play
Isle of Slaves/L’Ile des esclaves (play)1725Play
La Colonie (play)1750Play
La Dispute (play)1744Play
La Mere confidente (play)1735Play
La Nouvelle Colonie (lost play)1729Play
La Provinciale (play)1761Play
La Reunion des Amours (play)1731Play
Le Bilboquet (novel)1714Book
Le Telemaque travesti (novel)1714Book
Letters of Adventure/Lettres contenant une aventureEssay
Letters to the Inhabitants of Paris/Lettres sur les habitants de Paris1717-18Essay
Love and Truth/L’Amour et la Verite (play)1720Play
Mahomet second (unfinished play)1726Play
Pharsamon or the Modern Don Quixote/Pharsamon ou le Don ...1713
Pharsamon ou Les Folies romanesques (novel)1737Book
Prejudice Defeated/Le Prejuge vaincu (play)1746Play
Rash Promises/Les Serments indiscrets (play)1732Play
School for Mothers/L’Ecole des meres (play)1724Play
The Deceiver Punished/La Fausse Suivante ou Le Fourbe puni (play)1724Play
The Event/L’Epreuve (play)1740Play
The Faithful Woman/La Femme fidele (play)1750Play
The Fortunate Peasant/Le Paysan parvenu (unfinished novel)1735Book
The French Spectator/Le Spectateur francais1721-24Essay
The Game of Love and Chance/Le Jeu de l’Amour et du Hasard (play)1730Play
The Happy Stratagem/L’Heureux Stratageme (play)1733Play
The Indigent Philosopher/L’Indigent philosophe (journal)1726Essay
The Kind/Les Sinceres (play)1739Play
The Legacy/Le Legs (play)1736Play
The Life of Marianne/La Vie de Marianne (unfinished novel)1727Book
The Little Master Corrected/Le Petit-Maitre corrige (play)1734Play
The Midwife/La Commere (play)1741Play
The Misconception/La Meprise (play)1734Play
The Philosopher’s Study/Le Cabinet du philosophe (journal)1734Essay
The Second Surprise of Love/La Seconde Surprise de l’amour (play)1727Play
The Stuck Car/La Voiture embourbee (novel)1714Book
The Surprise of Love/La Surprise de l’amour (play)1722Play
The Surprising Effects of Affection/Les Effets surprenants de ... (novel)1713-14Book
The Transvestite Prince/Le Prince travesti (play)1724Play
The Triumph of Love/Le Triomphe de l’amour (play)1732Play
The Triumph of Plutus/Le Triomphe de Plutus (play)1728Play
The Village Heir/L’Heritier de village (play)1725Play
The Way of Fortune/Le Chemin de la fortune (play)1734Play
Thoughts on Various Subjects/Pensees sur differents sujetsEssay
Two Infidelities/La Double Inconstance (play)1723Play
Unexpected Joy/La Joie imprevue (play)1738Play
Unraveling the Unexpected/Le Denouement imprevu (play)1724Play


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