0507 Michel Gondry

Michel Gondry

Be Kind Rewind (screenplay/director)2008Play
Dave Chappelle’s Block Party (documentary/director)2005Play
Drumb and Drumber (screenplay/short/director)2004Play
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (screenplay/director)2004Play
Human Nature (screenplay/director)2001Play
I’ve Been Twelve Forever (documentary/director)2003Play
Jazzmosphere (screenplay/short/director)1987Play
L’Epine Dans le Coeur (documentary/director)2009Play
L’Expedition fatale (screenplay/short/director)1986Play
La Lettre (screenplay/short/director)1998Play
Michel Gondry Solves a Rubik’s Cube ... (screenplay/short)2007Play
My Brother’s 24th Birthday (screenplay/short/director)1988Play
One Day (screenplay/short/director)2001Play
Ossamuch! - Kishu & Co. (screenplay/short/director)2004Play
Pecan Pie (screenplay/short/director)2003Play
The Green Hornet (screenplay/director)2011Play
The Science of Sleep (screenplay/director)2006Play
Three Dead People (screenplay/short/director)2004Play
Tiny (screenplay/short/director)2004Play
Tokyo!: Interior Design (screenplay/short/director)2008Play
Vingt Petites Tours/Twenty Small Towers (documentary/director)1989Play


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