0460 Paula Fox

Paula Fox

A Likely Place (children)1967Book
A Place Apart (children)1980Book
A Servant’s Tale (novel)1984Book
Amzat and His Brothers: Three Italian Tales1999Collection
Blowfish Live in the Sea (children)1970Book
Borrowed Finery (memoir)2001Book
Dear Prosper (children)1968Book
Desperate Characters (novel)1970Book
Good Ethan (children)1973Book
GraceShort Story
How Many Miles to Babylon? (children)1967Book
Hungry Fred (children)1969Book
Lily and the Lost Boy (children)1987Book
Maurice’s Room (children)1966Book
Monkey Island (children)1991Book
News from the World: Stories and Essays2011Collection
One-Eyed Cat (children)1984Book
Poor George (novel)1967Book
Portrait of Ivan (children)1969Book
Radiance Descending (children)1997Book
The Broad Estates of Faith2004Short Story
The Coldest Winter: A Stringer in Liberated Europe (memoir)2005Book
The CollectorShort Story
The Eagle Kite/The Gathering Darkness (children)1995Book
The God of Nightmares (novel)1990Book
The King’s Falcon (children)1969Book
The Little Swineherd and Other Tales1978Collection
The Moonlight Man (children)1986Book
The Slave Dancer (children)1973Book
The Stone-Faced Boy (children)1968Book
The Village by the Sea/In a Place of Darkness (children)1988Book
The Western Coast (novel)1972Book
The Widow’s Children (novel)1976Book
Western Wind (children)1993Book


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