0293 Ivy Compton-Burnett

Ivy Compton-Burnett

A Family and a Fortune (novel)1939Book
A Father and His Fate (novel)1957Book
A God and His Gifts (novel)1963Book
A Heritage and Its History (novel)1959Book
A House and Its Head (novel)1935Book
Brothers and Sisters (novel)1929Book
Darkness and Day (novel)1951Book
Daughters and Sons (novel)1937Book
Dolores (novel)1911Book
Elders and Betters (novel)1944Book
Manservant and Maidservant/Bullivant and the Lambs (novel)1947Book
Men and Wives (novel)1931Book
More Women than Men (novel)1933Book
Mother and Son (novel)1955Book
Parents and Children (novel)1941Book
Pastors and Masters (novel)1925Book
The Last and the First (novel)1971Book
The Mighty and Their Fall (novel)1961Book
The Present and the Past (novel)1953Book
Two Worlds and Their Ways (novel)1949Book


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