0237 Albert Camus

Albert Camus

A Happy Death/La Mort Heureuse (novel)1936-38Book
Actuelles I (essays)1950Collection
Actuelles II (essays)1953Collection
Actuelles III, Chroniques Algeriennes (essays)1958Collection
Between Yes and NoEssayExcerpt:
Betwixt and Between/L’envers et L’endroit (essays)1937Collection
Caligula (play)1938Play
Caligula and Three Other Plays1958Collection
Correspondence, 1932-19601981Collection
Create Dangerously1957Essay
Defense of FreedomEssay
Ephemeral CreationEssayhttp://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/users/00/pwillen1/lit/ephcre.htm
Exile and the Kingdom/L’exil et le Royaume (short stories)1957Collection
Jonas or the Artist at Work/Jonas ou L’artiste au TravailShort Story
La Devotion a la Croix (play)1953Play
Le Chevalier d’Olmedo (play)1957Play
Les Esprits (play)1953Play
Letters to a German Friend/Lettres a un Ami Allemand1945Essay
Meditation sur le Theatre et la Vie1961Essay
Neither Victims Nor Executioners (essays)1946Collection
Nobel Speech/Discours de Suede1957Orationhttp://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1957/camus-speech-e.html
Notebooks, 1935-19421962Collection
Notebooks, 1943-19511965Collection
Notebooks, 1951-19591989Collection
Pessimism and TyrannyEssay
Reflections on the Guillotine/Reflexions sur la Guillotine1957Essay
Requiem for a Nun/Requiem pour une Nonne (play)1956Play
Resistance, Rebellion and Death (essays)1960Collection
The Absurde ManEssayhttp://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/users/00/pwillen1/lit/absur.htm
The Adulterous Woman/La Femme Adultere1957Short Story
The Ancient Greek Tragedy (Parnassos lecture in Greece)1956Oration
The Artist and His TimeEssay
The Crisis of Man (Lecture at Columbia University)1946Oration
The Fall/La Chute (novel)1956Book
The First Man/Le Premier Homme (unfinished novel)1995Book
The FleshEssay
The Growing Stone/La Pierre qui Pousse1958Short Story
The Guest/L’Hote1957Short Story
The Just Assassins/Les Justes (play)1949Play
The Liberation of ParisEssay
The Minotaur; or the Stop in Oran1950Essayhttp://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/users/00/pwillen1/lit/minot.htm
The Misunderstanding/Cross Purposes/Le Malentendu (play)1944Play
The Myth of Sisyphus/Le Mythe de Sisyphe1942Essayhttp://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/users/00/pwillen1/lit/msysip.htm

Chapter 4
The Plague/La Peste (novel)1947Book
The Possessed/Les Possedes (play)1959Play
The Rebel/L’Homme Revolte1951BookExcerpt:
The Renegade or a Confused Spirit/Le Renegat ou un Esprit Confus1957Short Story
The Silent Men/Les Muets1957Short Story
The State of Siege/L’ Etat de Siege (play)1948Play
The Stranger/The Outsider/L’Etranger (novel)1942Bookhttp://www.free-ebooks.net/ebook/The-Stranger

The Unbeliever and ChristiansEssay
Theatre, Recits, Nouvelles; Essais1962-65Collection
Un Cas Interessant (play)1955Play
Why Spain?1948Essay


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