0071 Reinaldo Arenas

Reinaldo Arenas

Adios a Mama (short stories)1996Collection
Alipio’s KingdomShort Story
Arturo, the Brightest Star/Arturo, la Estrella Mas Brillante1984Short Story
Before Night Falls/Antes que Anochezca (autobiography)1992Book
El Carnaval Literario en LeprosorioPoem
El Central1981Poem
End of a Story/Final de un CuentoShort Story
End of the Parade/Termina el Desfile1981Short Story
Farewell to the Sea/Otra Vez el Mar (novel)1982Book
Five Theatre Works under Persecution/Cinco Obras de Teatro Bajo ...1986Collection
Graveyard of the Angels/La Loma del Angel (novel)1987Book
Halley’s CometShort Story
Hallucinations/El Mundo Alucinante (novel)1966Book
Journey to Havana: A Novel in Three Trips/Viaje a la Habana1990Book
La IroniaPoem
La SatiraPoem
Manifesting Living Will/Voluntad de Vivir Manifestandose1989
MonaShort Story
Mona and Other Tales (short stories)2001Collection
Necesidad de Libertad (essays)1986Collection
Old Rosa/La Vieja Rosa (novel)1980Book
Parade BeginsShort Story
Persecution1986Short Story
Singing from the Well/Cantando en el Pozo (novel)1967Book
The Assault/El Asalto (novel)1990Book
The Color of Summer/El Color del Verano (novel)1982Book
The Doorman/El Portero (novel)1987Book
The Palace of the White Skunks/El Palacio de las ... Mofetas (novel)1982Book
The Phantom of the Glorieta/El Fantasma de la Glorieta1991Short Story
TraitorShort Story
With the Eyes Closed/Con los Ojos Cerrados1972


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