Whether you are an educator or a student, a parent or an avid reader, CurricuLit.com is designed to facilitate access to electronic versions of the public domain works of almost every author included in the public school curriculum. We have researched and assembled full bibliographies of all of the authors on current curricular lists and cataloged direct links to each title available online from certified academic, professional and scholarly Web sites around the world.
Most of the titles in our database are available in a variety of formats on their respective hosting sites, whether in HTML or as PDF files that can be downloaded and stored.
Check out the CurricuLit channel of YouTube to view demonstrations and tutorials.
Teachers and college instructors can examine our lists of authors from the Authors page or search within our Libraries pages to view the lists of authors assigned to the appropriate literary category or literary period within a category. Click on any author’s name to view the brief biography of that author.
By clicking on the red book icon beside any author’s name, educators can access the associated bibliography and review the direct links to the public domain titles we have located online. Click on each link in turn and choose from the variety of presentations available. From these catalogs educators can:
• Improve or expand existing lesson plans and reading lists
• Assign specific links to students to assure uniformity of material
• Differentiate instruction as deemed necessary to accommodate any student’s reading level within a given classroom, channel individual interests, etc.
Students can then access these materials anywhere, at any time and on any electronic device with Internet access.
At the high school level, educators can study the lists of authors within a literary category in order to add variety to their instruction.
College and university instructors, in particular, may find CurricuLit.com useful in structuring core English courses, as most of the required reading is available online in the public domain.
All students can access CurricuLit.com to:
• Support their own class assignments
• Research projects or
• Freely read more of a favorite author’s works whenever they want.
Public/private/home school students (and their parents) will find CurricuLit.com a useful way to keep up with assignments without having to carry heavy books between the classroom and the home.
College students taking core English courses may find CurricuLit.com an economical alternative to buying expensive textbooks that would only have to be sold for pennies on the dollar at the end of a semester.
Avid Readers
You don’t have to be in school, or associated with an academic institution or program, to benefit from CurricuLit.com. Readers of all ages, backgrounds and interests can search our lists of authors, examine the titles available and read at will:
• Without having to rely on the availability of that title at the local library and
• Without worrying about due dates or late fees.
If you see other benefits to CurricuLit.com, please let us know and we’ll share them with our visitors.
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