0568 Lillian Hellman

Lillian Hellman

An Unfinished Woman: A Memoir1969Book
Another Part of the Forest (play)1946Play
Candide (operetta)1957Play
Collected Plays1972Collection
Days to Come (play)1936Play
Dead End (play)1937Play
Four Plays1942Collection
Maybe (autobiography)1980Book
My Mother, My Father and Me (play, adaptation)1963Play
Pentimento: A Book of Portraits (autobiography)1973Book
Scoundrel Time (autobiography)1976Book
Selected Letters of Anton Chekhov (ed.)1955Collection
Six Plays1960Collection
The Autumn Garden (play)1951Play
The Big Knockover (ed.)1963Collection
The Chase (screenplay)1966Play
The Children’s Hour (play)1934Play
The Dark Angel (play)1935Play
The Lark (play, adaptation)Play
The Little Foxes (play)1939Play
The Little Foxes (screenplay)1941Play
The North Star (play)1943Play
The Searching Wind (play)1944Play
The Spanish Earth (screenplay)1937Play
These Three (play)1936Play
Toys in the Attic (play)1960Play
Watch on the Rhine (play)1941Play


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