0394 Umberto Eco

Umberto Eco

A Rose by Any Other Name1994Essayhttp://www.themodernword.com/eco/eco_guardian94.html
A Theory of Semiotics/Trattato di semiotica generale1975Essay
Ammazza l’Uccellino1973
An Elementary Guide to Afghanistan and Baker Street2002Essayhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2002/jan/19/politics.umbertoeco
Apocalittici e Integrati1974
Apocalypse Postponed/Apocalittici e Integrati1964Essay
Appunti per una Semiologia delle Comunicazioni Visive1967
Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages/Sviluppo dell’Estetica Medievale1959Essay
Baudolino (novel)2000BookExcerpt:
Beato di Liebana1973
Belief or Nonbelief? A Dialogue/In Cosa Crede chi Non Crede?1996Essay
Casablanca: or the Cliches are Having a Ball1994Essayhttp://www.themodernword.com/eco/eco_casablanca.html
Christiaesimo e Politica1976
Cinque Scritti Morali1997
Conceito de Texto1984
Dall’Albero al Labirinto: Studi Storici sul Segno e l’Interpretazione2007Essay
De Bibliotheca1981Essay
Enviromental Information1981
Eternal Fascism: Fourteen Ways of Looking at a Blackshirt1995Essayhttp://www.themodernword.com/eco/eco_blackshirt.html
Eugenio Carmi1973
Experiences in Translation2000Essay
Faith in Fakes/Il Costume di Casa (essays)1973Collectionhttp://books.google.co.uk/books?id=3vxCAAAACAAJ
Filosofi in Liberta1958
Five Moral Pieces/Cinque Scritti Morali1997Collection
For a Polyglot Federation1993Essayhttp://www.themodernword.com/eco/eco_polyglot.html
Foucault’s Pendulum/Il Pendolo di Foucault (novel)1988Book
From Internet to Gutenberg1996Essayhttp://www.hf.ntnu.no/anv/Finnbo/tekster/Eco/Internet.htm
From the Outskirts of the Empire/Dalla Periferia dell’Impero1976Essay
History of Beauty/On Beauty/Storia della bellezza2004Essay
Holy Wars, Passion and Reason2001Essay
How Does a Thesis/Come si fa una Tesi di Laurea1977Essay
How to Travel with a Salmon & Other Essays1994Collection
How to Travel with a Salmon/Il Secondo Diario Minimo1992Essay
Il Segno1971
Incontro - Encounter - Rencontre1996Essay
Interpretation and Overinterpretation1992Essay
Kant and the Platypus: Essays on Language and Cognition1997Collection
La Definizione dell’Arte1968
La Riscoperta dell’America1984
Le Forme del Contenuto1971
Le Ragioni della Retorica1987
Lector in Fabula1979Essay
Literary Game of Drafts2002Essayhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2002/mar/30/scienceandnature.philosophy
Lo Strano Caso della Hanau 16091989
Looking for a Logic Culture1975
Miei Teatri1982
Misreadings/Diario Minimo1963Essay
Mouse or Rat? Translation as Negotiation2003Essay
Murder in Chicago1997Essay
On Literature/Sulla Letteratura2003Essay
On Ugliness/Storia della Bruttezza2007Essay
Out of Chaos1991
Perche Continuiamo a Fare e a Insegnare Arte?1979
Postscript to The Name of the Rose/Postille al Nome della Rosa1983Essay
Semiologia Quotidiana1984
Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language/Semiotica e Filosofia del ...1984Book
Serendipities: Language and Lunacy1998Book
Six Walks in the Fictional Woods/Sei Passeggiate nei Boschi Narrativi1994Book
Stelle e Stellette1976
Storiografia Medievale ed Estetica Teaorica1962
Struture ed Eventi dell’Econimica Alessandrina1981
Sugli Specchi e Altri Saggi1985
Sviluppo dell’Estetica Madioevele1969
Testa a Testa1981
The Absent Structure/La Struttura Assente1968Essay
The Aesthetics of Thomas Aquinas/Il Problema Estetico San Tommaso1956Essay
The Art of Creating a Legend2002Essayhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2002/jul/20/umbertoeco
The Author and His Interpreters1996Orationhttp://www.themodernword.com/eco/eco_author.html
The BeanEssayhttp://www.themodernword.com/eco/eco_bean.html
The Bomb and the General/La Bomba e il Generale (children)1966Book
The Bond Affair/Il Caso Bond1965Book
The Cemetery of Prague/Il Cimitero di Praga (novel)2010Book
The Future of the Book1994Orationhttp://www.themodernword.com/eco/eco_future_of_book.html
The Gnomes of Gnu/Gli Gnomi di Gnu (children)1992Book
The Holy War - IBM vs. Mac1994Essayhttp://www.themodernword.com/eco/eco_mac_vs_pc.html
The Infinity of Lists2009Book
The Island of the Day Before/L’Isola del Giorno Prima (novel)1994Book
The Italian Metamorphosis, 1943-19681994
The Limits of Interpretation/I Limiti dell’Interpretatione1990Essay
The Middle Ages of James Joyce: The Aesthetics of Chaosmos1965Essay
The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana/La Misteriosa ... (novel)2004Book
The Name of the Rose/Il Nome della Rosa (novel)1980Book
The Open Work/Opera Aperta1962Essay
The People’s Comic Book/Il Fumetti di Mao1971
The Picture History of Inventions .../Storia Figurata delle Invenzioni1961
The Role of the Reader: Explorations in the Semiotics of Texts (essays)1979Collection
The Roots of Conflict2001Essayhttp://www.themodernword.com/eco/eco_conflict.html
The Search for the Perfect Language/La Ricera della Lingua Perfetta1993Essay
The Superman Mass/Il Superuomo di Massa1976Essay
The Three Astronauts/I Tre Cosmonauti (children)1966Book
Tra Menzogna e Ironia1998
Travels in Hyperreality/Sette Anni di Desiderio1983Essay
Turning Back the Clock: Hot Wars and Media Populism/A Passo ...2006Essay
Vegetal and Mineral Memory: The Future of Books2003Orationhttp://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2003/665/bo3.htm
Vocali: Soluzioni, Felici1991


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