0503 William Golding

William Golding

A Moving Target1982Book
An Egyptian Journal1985Book
Art of the Critic1986
Billy the KidEssay
Break My Heart (radio play)1962Play
Circle under the Sea (unpublished novel)Book
Clonk, Clonk (novella)1971Book
Close Quarters (novel)1987Book
Critical Perspective1986Book
Darkness Visible (novel)1979Book
Envoy Extraordinary (novella)1956Book
Fire Down Below (novel)1989Book
Free Fall (novel)1959Book
Inside a Pyramid1966Short Story
Lord of the Flies (novel)1954BookChapter 1:
Miss Pulkinhorn (radio play)1960Play
Nobel Banquet Speech1983Orationhttp://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1983/golding-speech.html
Nobel Lecture1983Orationhttp://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1983/golding-lecture.html
Pincher Martin (novel)1956Book
Rites of Passage (novel)1980Book
Seahorse (unpublished)1948Book
Servants on Horse-Back
Short Measure (unpublished novel)Book
Sometime, Never: Three Tales of Imagination1956Collection
South Bank Show
The Anglo-Saxon1962
The Brass Butterfly (play)1958Play
The Double Tongue (novel)1995Book
The Hot Gates1965Essay
The Hot Gates and Other Occasional Pieces (essays)1965Collection
The Inheritors (novel)1955Book
The Ladder and the TreeEssay
The Paper Men (novel)1984Book
The Pyramid (novel)1967Book
The Scorpion God (novella)1971Book
The Scorpion God (three novellas)1971Collection
The Spire (novel)1964Book
The Two Deaths of Christopher Martin1957
The Writer in His Age1957Essay
To the Ends of the Earth (trilogy)1991Collection


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